Welsh Dairy Show Update – 2021/2022

The Welsh Dairy show has become one of the premier business events for dairy farmers in Wales.  The next Welsh Dairy Show, promoted by the United Counties Agriculture and Hunters Society, is planned to be held on Carmarthen Show Ground on 28th October 2025.

The importance of the Welsh Dairy Show to the dairy business sector in Wales and beyond, is that it allows farmers to meet their suppliers, see pedigree cows judged and meet friends and colleagues.

The Society apologises for the events that have had to be cancelled but all existing bookings for previous cancelled events will be honoured.

In addition, as a philanthropic charitable organisation, The United Counties Agricultural Hunters Society Trustees felt that they had a duty to support the NHS by allowing the site to be used as one of the largest sites for Covid testing and inoculation in Wales.

Said the Society Chairman, – Mr Lyn Davies,

“The trustees and myself are very proud of the support the Society has provided to the NHS and the success of the Show ground in helping to fight the pandemic.  However, I apologise to all our many visitors and charitable and business promoter who regularly use the site for the disruption that has been caused.  We all hope things will return to normal as soon as possible in 2022, when we will welcome back old friends as well as promoting planned, new events.”