The full schedule for the 2023 Dairy Show is now published.
Download a copy for full details of the event.
Have a category you’d like to enter? Book in your entry online
The full schedule for the 2023 Dairy Show is now published.
Download a copy for full details of the event.
Have a category you’d like to enter? Book in your entry online
18th March 2020
Due to the circumstances resulting from the Covid-19 virus, the United Counties showground is currently closed to visitors.
All events and clubs are cancelled until further notice. This includes this year’s Welsh Dairy Show.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact by phone 01267232141 or email [email protected]
The 2018 Annual General Meeting of the United Counties Agricultural & Hunters’ Society will take place on the 3rd October at 7.30pm at The Mart, Nantyci, SA33 5DR
New and existng members welcome.
Winner: Wilson
Reserve: Future Dreams
Winner: Wilson
Reserve: Future Dreams
1st Jersey Glanmor
2nd Holstein Wilson
3rd Ayrshire
1st M & S Williams, Elite WR Lovely
2nd AH Wilson, Loford Goldwyn Marci
1st AH Wilson, Tregibby Tequila Panama
2nd Glanmor Jerseys
1st Glanmor Jerseys
Winner: Wilson
Winner: Lancwm/ M & S Williams
Heifer in Calf (Sponsored by HSBC)
1st M & S Williams, Elite Vivid Lovely
2nd M & S Williams, Elite Gelncore Liz Pl
3rd A & C Davies, Quarry Golden Boy Sian
Heifer in Milk (Sponsored by Wynnstay)
1st Richard & Bethan Thomas, Moorcourt Manchester Agatha
2nd M & S Williams, Elite Zaster Lovely
3rd A & C Davies, Quarry Golden Boy Mara
Champion exhibitor bred Heifer
Winner: M & S Williams, Elite Vivid Lovely
Champion Heifer in Milk or Calf
Winner: Richard & Bethan Thomas, Moorcourt Manchester Agatha
Cow in Milk with 2nd Calf (Sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st M & S Williams, Elite Songlevr Liz
2nd RE & JS Jones, Hollysprings Juleng Silver
Cow in milk with 3rd Calf (Sponsored by HSBC)
1st M & S Williams, Elite WR Lovely
Senior Cow in Milk (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st RE & JS Jones, Hollysprings Huray Silver
Best group of 3 Animals (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st M & S Williams
2nd A & Caroline Davies
Champion exhibitor bred cow in class (Sponsored by HSBC)
Winner: M & S Williams, Elite WR Lovely
Breed Championship
Winner: M & S Williams, Elite WR Lovely
Reserve: M & S Williams, Elite Songlevr Liz
Best Udder Award (in memory of Mr Ian Plumb)
Winner: AH Wilson & Son, Tregibby Tequila Panama
Heifer in Milk (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st G R Thomas, Gwynnog Maker Punch
2nd Willhome Ayershire, Sandyford Reality Punch
Champion exhibitor bred Heifer in class
1st G R Thomas, Gwynnog Maker Punch
Champion Heifer in Milk or in Calf (Sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st G R Thomas, Gwynnog Maker Punch
Home Bred Heifer (special)
1st G R Thomas, Gwynnog Maker Punch
Cow in Milk with 2nd Calf (sponsored by HSBC)
1st Willhome Ayrshires, Willhome Burdette Mary VG88
2nd G R Thomas, Gwynnog Dreamer Punch
3rd Phillip Reed, Sandyford Dreamy Bella VG89
Cow in Milk with 3rd Calf (sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st Willhome Ayreshire, Willhome Ristourn Crummie Ex90
2nd Willhome Ayreshire, Willhome Ristourn Ladybird Mary
3rd G R Thomas, Gwynnog Duncan Linnet
Senior Cow in Milk (sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st GR Thomas, Horefoot Napier Punch
Best Group of 3 Animals
1st Willhome Ayreshires
2nd G R Thomas
Champion exhibiter bred cow in class
Winner: GR Thomas, Gwynnog Duncan Linnet
Breed Championship
Winner: GR Thomas, Gwynnog Duncan Linnet
Reserve: 376
Heifer in Calf
1st Glanmor Jerseys, Potterswalls Rum Belle
2nd M & S Williams, Elite Baba Jean
3rd R & Ff Jones, Salfach Koop Misty
Heifer in Milk (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st Future Dreams Partnership, Future Dreams Tequila’s Veronica 2
2nd A H Wilson & Son, Bluegrass Colton Lady Sunshine
3rd R & Ff Jones, Salfach Koop Paradise
Champion exhibitor bred Heifer in class
1st Future dreams Partnership, Future Dreams Tequila’a Veronica 2
Champion Heifer in Milk or in Calf
1st Future dreams Partnership, Future Dreams Tequila’a Veronica 2
Cow in Milk with 2nd Calf (sponsored by Wynnstay)
1st A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Panama Tequila
2nd Glanmor Jerseys, Scotbridge Ballard Alice
3rd Glanmor Jersey, Glanmor Tequila Athena
Cow in Milk with 3rd Calf ( Sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Tequila Panama
2nd Glanmor Jersey’s, Glanmor Fanton Scary Screarn
3rd James Evans, Mydrim Tequilas Tara
Senior Cow in Milk (Sponsored by GLANBIA)
1st EM & E & Iwan Morgan, Erie Baywatch Grove
2nd James Evans, Jubilee Excitation Ceres
3rd Glanmor Jerseys, Glanmor Romeo Snowwhite
Best of 3 Animals
1st Glanmor Jerseys
2nd R & Ff Jones
3rd Em & E & Iwan Morgan
Champion exhibitor bred cow in class
Winner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Tequila Panama
Breed Championship
WInner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Tequila Panama
Class 19 Heifer in Calf (sponsored by HSBC)
1st S V B & E A Thomas, Driscoll Belladonna
2nd Mike & Caroline Moody, Latifa Andante Mary
Champion exhibitor bred Heifer in class
1st S V B & E A Thomas, Driscoll Belladonna
Supreme Champion Heifer
Winner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Windbrook Pledge
Reserve: Future Dreams Partnership, Future Dreams Tequila’s Veronica
Home Bred Heifer
Winner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Windbrook Pledge
Cow in Milk with 2nd Calf
1st Mike & Caroline Moody, Latifa Princess Leia
2nd SVB & EA Thomas, Drisgol Daphne 76
Senior Cow in Milk (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st SVB & EA Thomas, Drisgol Church Daisy 5
2nd SVB & EA, Drisgol Dinnie 13
Best Group of 3 Animals
1st SVB & EA Thomas
Champion exhibitor bred cow in class
Winner: SVB & EA Thomas, Drisgol Church Daisy 5
Breed Championship
Winner: SVB & EA Thomas, Drisgol Church Daisy 5
Heifer in Calf
1st E M & E & Iwan Morgan, Erie Brady Irene
2nd A H Wilson & Son, Maple Rose Mincio Lustre
3rd S P & S R Davies & Sons, Castellhyfryd Sammy Rosina
Heifer in Milk born before 1st April 2014 (Sponsored by GENUS)
1st S P & S R Davies & Sons, Castellhyfryd Mincio Paricia
2nd E & C Thomas, normead Baxter Kansas
3rd Kevin & Sian Rickard, Inspired Misty S Marie
Heifer in Milk born after 1st April 2014
1st A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Windbrook Pledge
2nd A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Meincio Fawn
3rd Kevin & Sian Rickard, Starlet Oak Ayana
Champion exhibiter bred Heifer in class
Winner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Windbrook Pledge
Reserve: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Mincio Fawn
Champion Heifer in ilk or in Calf
Winner: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Windbrook Pledge
Reserve: A H Wilson & Son, Tregibby Mincio Fawn
Cow in Milk with 2nd Calf (Sponsored by GENUS PLC)
1st Richard & Bethan Thomas, Moorshard Dude Paradise
2nd E & M Jones& Sons, Feithy Dude Ruth
3rd E M & E & Iwan Morgan, Nobold Windbrook Joan
Cow in milk with 3rd Calf
1st E & C Thomas, Gatrog Bolton M Jingles
2nd S P & S R & Sons, Castellhyfryd Bolton Rosie
Senior Cow in Milk
1st A H Wilson & Son, Willsbro Goldwyn Kitty
2nd A H Wilson & Son, Loford Goldwyn Marci
Best Group of 3 Animals
1st A H Wilson & Son
Champion exhibitor bred cow in class
Winner: E & C Thomas, Gatrog Bolton M Jingles
Best Udder Award ( in Holstein Section)
Winner: Richard & Bethan Thomas, Moorshard Dude Paradise
Breed Championship
Winner: Richard & Bethan Thomas, Moorshard Dude Paradise
Reserve: E & C Thomas, Gatrog Bolton M Jingles
Time is running out to enter this year’s NFU Cymru / NFU Mutual Dairy Stockperson Award, which recognises dedicated, committed and enthusiastic dairy stock managers.
The ‘Welsh Dairy Stockperson of the Year Award’, is now in its fifth year and is looking for applications from those involved in the management of dairy cattle who are working within the dairy industry in Wales. The winner will receive £300 and Welsh slate engraved cheese board.
Aled Jones, Chairman of NFU Cymru’s Milk Board said:
“The Welsh Dairy Stockperson of the Year Award aims to recognise the pivotal role a good dairy stockperson can make to a dairy enterprise and to the Welsh dairy industry as a whole. As part of the award criteria, potential award winners will be judged on their care and management of the herd, the breeding programme, their handling skills, their involvement in the dairy enterprise and their knowledge of the dairy industry in Wales.
“As a dairy farmer myself, I think it’s important that we champion those individuals who are leading the way in the Welsh dairy industry. If you know someone whose work deserves to be recognised with this award please get in touch with us and nominate them.”
To enter just download and fill out the entry form below:
You can return completed forms by email to [email protected] or by post to:
Dairy Stockperson Award, NFU Cymru, Agriculture House, Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells, LD2 3TU.
The closing date for entries is 4.30 pm on Monday, 26 September 2016 and the winner will be announced at this year’s Welsh Dairy Show at the United Counties Showground, Carmarthen, on Tuesday, 25 October 2016.